16 May 2017
Transfer Paris Roissy-CDG Airport from/to Orly Airport
Useful information about transfer between Paris Roissy-CDG (Charles de Gaulles) & Paris-Orly.
Itineraries, different ways of transport & prices (OrlyVal + RER B, OrlyBus + RER B, Le Bus Direct, Taxis, Private cars).
Transfer by suburb train (RER B) & ORLYVAL
Itinerary between Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport & Paris-Orly airport by suburb train line B (RER B) + ORLYVAL.
A train changement is necessary in Anthony train station between RER line B & OrlyVal automatic shuttle.
First & last departure in Roissy-CDG : 5:55am ➝ 10:30pm
First & last departure in Orly : 6:00am ➝ 11:00pm
Each 5 – 7 minutes.
Travel time :
Approximately 75 minutes.
Adult: 21.50€
Child (2-11): 12.75€
You can buy your ticket in each aiport before your access in automatic shuttle ou RER B.
ORLYVAL ticket costs 9.30€.
RER line B serves Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport in terminal 2. A free shuttle is available to reach other terminals.
Transfer by suburb train (RER B) & ORLYBUS
Itinerary between Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport & Paris-Orly airport by suburb train line B (RER B) + ORLYBUS.
A train changement is necessary in Denfert-Rochereau station between ORLYBUS & RER line B.
First & last departure in Roissy-CDG : 5:35am ➝ 00:00am
First & last departure in Orly : 6:00am ➝ 00:30am
Each 10 – 20 minutes.
Travel time:
Approximately 90 minutes.
Single price: 7.70 €
You can buy your ticket in each train sation, subway station, airport bus station & directly in bus.
FYI: shuttle is free for people who have a Navigo pass available on 1-4 areas.
Price RER (line B):
Single ticket: 1.90€
You can buy your ticket in each aiport, train station or metro station.
Transfer by Le Bus Direct
Itineraries between Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport & Orly airport by Le Bus Direct (line 3).
First & last departure in Roissy-CDG: 06:00am ➝ 10:00pm
First & last departure in Orly : 6:30am ➝ 10:30pm
Each 10 – 20 minutes.
Travel time :
Between 60-70 minutes, depending on traffic.
Adult: 21 € one-way ticket, 36 € round-trip ticket.
Child (2-11): 10.50 €
You can buy your ticket with bus driver or online.
Transfert by private car (Taxis & Uber)
Itinéraire entre les aéroports de Roissy-Charles de Gaulle & Orly par taxi et véhicule de transport avec chauffeur.Itineraries between Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport & Orly airport by taxi or private car.
Any time.
Travel time:
Between 40-60 minutes, depending on traffic.
Tarif TAXiS:
Between 50-80 € (estimated cost)
Price driven private car (Uber):
Approximately 60€.
12 May 2017
Flight departure information from Paris Roissy-CDG Airport
All the information about flight departure from Paris Roissy-Charles de Gaulle (Paris-CDG).
Time, cancellation, delay…