My-Webspot : Mobile internet for travellers


My Webspot mobile internet, a perfect solution for travellers that are struggling with roaming bills, data and internet abroad !

My Webspot, what is it?

Founded in October 2014 by Maxime Chardonnereau and Ruddy Giorgi, MY WEBSPOT mobile internet was born by a simple observation: we are living in an increasingly connected world and the data roaming abroad is very expensive. You can’t use your smartphone normally as in your own country whereas the need is becoming more important (loss of landmarks, language barrier …).
They insisted on developing a product as simple as possible and easy to use to make it accessible to everyone: The hotspot is a device that emits a 4G Wi-Fi Internet connection at local cost. Light and pocket shape, you can carry it everywhere with you and connect up to 10 devices. With 8 hours of battery life, the webspot will be your travel best friend.

Mobile internet for travelers, a real need:

According to an Intercontinental Hotel Group study, 71% of tourists prioritize the internet access during hotel and restaurant reservation. Indeed, the tourists want to stay connected to give news to their relatives or not getting lost in a new country. Moreover, business trip abroad has a significant impact on data roaming market and a big opportunity of development for webspots.

How to get a webspot?

Working in 120 countries, they develop specifics offer according to geographical areas to have the best local rates. To have your webspot, just go on and inform your destination and the length rental. At the end of period needed, just send back the webspot with prepaid envelop provided.

Different offers

They have different offers (France, Europe, World) with at least 1GB per day in high speed connection (4G) from 5€ per day.

Dear travellers, if you want to have a high-speed connection available in your pocket and or luggage storage service you now know how to go for it !

Si vous souhaitez en découvrir davantage à propos de nous, visitez notre site web et chattez avec notre équipe ou continuez de parcourir notre blog !

Jay :